Anton Jankovoy, a Ukrainian world-renowned travel photographer, specializes in capturing the Himalayas, Southeast Asia, and nightscapes. With 17 years of experience in organizing expeditions and tours, he has trekked approximately 9,700 kilometers through the Himalayan highlands. Anton is the creator of the «PHOTO TRAVEL» project and the «ANANDA INCENSE» store. Among his many awards and exhibitions, the most notable are winning first place in the «IMS Best Mountain Photo of the Year» contest and having the first official exhibition of human-made photographs (Anton’s stellar landscapes) displayed alongside NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope images of deep space in the «Open Space» exhibition.
His client list includes Apple, NASA, National Geographic, Discovery, BBC, Asus, Meizu, Yahoo, Singapore Airlines, Bauer Media Group, The Guardian, The Telegraph, Daily Mail, and many others.
In 2024, Anton presented the charitable project “Beyond Borders,” which includes 108 works showcased on this website. The project is open to collaboration with galleries and foundations worldwide.